"Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness."
Hello, welcome to my homeschool blog. There is a lot of information in the margins. I have looked at one or more of the products or did some time on the sites. There is alot of information and sites to set up an awesome homeschool for your children. So, grab a cup of tea and make yourself comfortable. I hope you find what you need. God bless you from the Ross Family.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I got tagged again!

Girly Comments & Graphics

Well my friend Susan at mom of 6 tagged me. The only promblem is that Susan and I have the same blog buddies. So I am only going to be able to tag two other people. First off you need to post the rules.
So here are the rules:

1> You must post the rules on your post before you answer the questions.

2> You need to list one fact about yourself using each letter of your middle name. If you don't have a middle name yse your maiden name instead.

3> When you are finished with your answers you tag on person for each letter of your name.
So here we go:

M-My parents named me after a checker at a grocery store.
A- I am Astonished by the way the Lord has blessed us.
R- Jesus is my Redemmer
I- I am Intrigide at how my life has turned out, not my plans, but God's
A- I will Always follow the Lord, with all my heart.

So, now I will tag Jeff at stuff, and Robin at Bittersweetpunkin.
I guess I need to get more blogger buddies.


Susan said...

Tanya I didn't know that you were named after a checker at the grocery store. I would love to hear that story some time.

BittersweetPunkin said...

Hi Tanya! I am visiting late today! I like your facts about yourself...I will post mine on my next post!!