"Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness."
Hello, welcome to my homeschool blog. There is a lot of information in the margins. I have looked at one or more of the products or did some time on the sites. There is alot of information and sites to set up an awesome homeschool for your children. So, grab a cup of tea and make yourself comfortable. I hope you find what you need. God bless you from the Ross Family.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Some awesome family fun

I have to admit, our family loves to watch tv, so I try to show the kids some good wholesome entertainment, and here are a few of them:

I have to admit that one of my favorite dvd's is this series from Kent Hovind. There are seven dvd's in the series and each dvd can range from two hours to four hours. There is some awesome information on these dvd's. He totally erases the opinion of evalution and he has so much information on these that it will take a year or so for you to even get through it. We have to watch one a week and only half of it, because there is so much information on them. If you want to check out the dvd's the website is http://www.drdino.com/. It is well worth it. They also give you the option of buying the dvd's seperate or the whole set. You can now buy study quides to go with it. They are good. I believe that the whole set is about 100.00. I tell you, they are worth it. And once you get your hands on the set, you can copy them for others. There is no copywrite on them. Kent Hovind just wants the word out.

This movie is amazing. It is about a man named Peter who became the minister for the senators. He is from Ireland and he comes to America. He is the husband of Cathrine Marshall and the father to Peter Marshall. Cathrine wrote the series "Christy" and Peter wrote the curriculum "For the light and Glory." Amazing movie, one that I really need to get in my collection for the kids. God is so good, and you will love the movie after you have watched it.

I use to watch this show on tv. I loved the show and I wanted to be able to share this with my daughter. You can order this whole series from CBD for only 35.00. The awesome part about this series, inside of the dvd's is a booklet full of bible studies that go along with each show. I was so excited about this. I am going to introduce this to the children during our devotions at night. It is a pretty in depth study. I really encourage you to take a look at it. I also noticed on the CBD website that there are a series of books about Christy.

A couple of years ago a company called "Feature films for families" called us and offered us some movies. They have a wonderful line of movies from toddlers all the way up to adults. I love the way the movies have question and discussions on the back of each movie. So, we watch the movie and then we discuss it. It really gets the kids involved with it. I have also seen some awesome movies that just make me cry or feel good. Most of the movies have people who are popular, there are a couple that I did not reconize any of the actors. That is okay, they are still awesome movies. A couple of movies I highly recomend is, "A song for a season", "By Dawns Early Light" and " A Gift of Love". These are all awesome movies that you will love.

Well, it was great telling you all about our family and I hope that all of you have a wonderful day.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Let me introduce myself

My name is Tanya Ross. I would like to give a little testimony about myself. First of all, I did not start my kids out on home school. This was a leading by Jesus. In 2000, my husband and I started a new church. The both of us rededicated our hearts and lives back to our Jesus. During that time our children were in the public school.

One day, my husband came to me and asked me if I would consider homeschooling. I kind of laughed this off, but I did go to prayer about it. The Lord lead me to bringing our children home. Our Son Luke was in fourth grade and our daughter preschool. She really has not had a knowledge of formal class room. Luke if asked, will tell you that he does not want to go back to public school and our daughter Melanie is not sure. I feel really blessed to be a home school mom. There has been a lot of rewards, especially being able to watch my children grow. My children are more relaxed for some reason and they have great imaginations.

They are both so wonderful and they love each other so much. I never have to break them up in a fight, they love one another so much. I hope that after I am long gone, they both keep up relationship and their families grow up together. Melanie thinks that her brother is a knight and he will protect her. How awesome is that. Homeschooling is a radical decision.

When Jeff and I thought about homeschooling, I was working full time. It was so difficult to do school and work. Now I am a full time mother and I love to be with my kids. God is so good and sometimes we never know why God does what He does. But He knows best. He has change my thinking of being a mom and how important it is to be a good example for my children. Am I perfect, no, I am human. Do I seek forgiveness through my children and repent, yes, I never want my kids to feel they have to be perfect and they are not loved. They are and I am also. I hope that my blog helps you in your seeking of homeschooling. If you have any question, please let me know. If I do not know the answer, I will find if for you. The Internet can be a wonderful place for you, there is so much on the net to help with school. God bless all of you, and good luck in your search.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Board Games

If you are looking for some new ideas to use to keep homeschooling fun, I have a suggestion. I have added board games to our daily routine and the kids love it. I bought "Rush Hour" and "Apples to Apples" for the kids. These are great games that create thinking and promblem solving. I highly suggest these two games. I have also bought a couple of other games that I will tell you about later on. We haven't gotten to them yet. I also introduced the abucus and some pattern blocks. This kids really enjoy the hands on and it seems to keep their interest. I really suggest that you look into some board games and other hands on activities. Have a great beginning to your new year.


I bought these from "Rainbow Resource", they were really reasonable.