"Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness."
Hello, welcome to my homeschool blog. There is a lot of information in the margins. I have looked at one or more of the products or did some time on the sites. There is alot of information and sites to set up an awesome homeschool for your children. So, grab a cup of tea and make yourself comfortable. I hope you find what you need. God bless you from the Ross Family.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Prayfully Careful

I have to share something with all of you. For some reason, as I have been in the word, my eyes have been so opened to the World. I have found that I am getting to be more sensitive towards in justice. For instance, I was in a heated discussion tonight about people who are so quick to judge and will not take the time to look at facts about the person and pray for God's direction. God said in his word that we are not to judge. That judgement is His, I realize that we are suppose to be accountable to each other, but I really believe we should give people a chance. How are we going to bring the lost to Jesus, if we spend so much time judging that lost person. Jesus sat with prostitudes and tax collectors. What are we doing I wonder? Are we making ourselves availble or are we sitting and judging the lost person? I am not upset with anyone, really I am sad. I found myself tearing up and alittle upset with my self for being judgmental. Sisters and any brothers reading this, I beg of you, pray for the Lord to soften your heart and lets get those lost people in the door of churches and loving our Lord. I have been so burdened for this world, I am not sure why. I am wondering if this is what Paul and Peter felt? I love all of you and I just wanted to share what was on my heart. God bless all of you.

Girly Comments & Graphics


Anonymous said...

I love your heart in this, maybe because it is so much my own heart. I believe that it is also the heart of God. We can't continue to push away the lost, and create an elite club, when the commission is to go out and make disciples, and there isn't any clauses in that. For by grace we are saved, and for by grace we could be one of those that are pushed away. Love you, have a good day!

BittersweetPunkin said...

So true Tanya...it is so easy to judge but at times it takes more effort to hold out tongues and be impartial...isn't it? The road to Salvation is not always the easiest smoothest road.

I won't quote it as it is too long...
Romans 14:1-12

Nana C said...

Very true, I have asked Spirit to speak through me when my tongue as my thoughts get jumbled. My heart also longs for many I know to have the joy God has given to us. Being in a humble, non-judgemental way is ongoing. Thank you Nana C