"Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness."
Hello, welcome to my homeschool blog. There is a lot of information in the margins. I have looked at one or more of the products or did some time on the sites. There is alot of information and sites to set up an awesome homeschool for your children. So, grab a cup of tea and make yourself comfortable. I hope you find what you need. God bless you from the Ross Family.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How is your heart today?


I have been reading this book called Captivating. This morning as I sat in front of it working on the workbook, it came to my attention that my heart is full of stuff. Not just happy stuff either, stuff that I have been holding on to for years. As a little girl you want so much for your father and mother to protect you and guide you towards your adult years. I am sure that my parents loved me, but they were so consumed with the world and a life lived on this earth to really notice that they had kids. And of course, now that I am an adult, I have to remember that maybe my parents came from broken homes and they were raising us the only way they knew how. And I do not harbor resentment towards my parents, God has helped me forgive my parents and fall in love with who they are. I just had other things that I did not let go, it is like getting your favorite toy and you sleep with it and take it every where you go. It is the same with the heart full of stuff, if you do not let God in and let it go, you will carry it with you every where you go. It will brick up and cause you to have issues with God, and even not want to except Him. The biggest stuff that I realized that I was holding on to was, God pursued me when I was in High School. I would not let Him get his hands on me, I did not want to change my life and become "a Jesus Freak." But for some reason, I realized that this was remorse for my heart and I carried it. I do not want to look at this and then become full of guilt or shame, I want to let it go and realize I am a Jesus Freak now. I am encouraged by the way the author of this book took us to Isaiah 61, you have to read it. But this is what she translated it to be.

"God has sent me on a mission.
I have some great news for you.
God has sent me to restore and release something.
And that something is you.
I am here to give you back y our heart and set you free.
I am furious at the Enemy who did this to you, and I will fight against him.
Let me comfort you.
For, dear one, I will bestow beauty upon you.
Where you have known only devastation.
Joy, in the places of your deep sorrow,
And I will robe your heart in thankful praise
in exchange for your resignation and despair."

Sisters, God will fight for us. All we have to do is go to Him and ask Him to do this. Do not be afraid for change, the change is for the good and not the bad. It will free you to do the work God has for you. So, go to Him and lift up your heart. If you do not know what things are on your heart to get rid of, pray about it. God will show you. Love all of you and have a great day, because I am.


Nana C said...

yes, sister we need to take care of our hearts!!!!! Keeping them full of love, praise and honor. Thinking of all we have yet to experience, wow! The song, How wonderful, how marvelous, is my Saviours love to me. Nana C

Susan said...

You are so right about holding on to things. I for a long time resented things that my mother and father in law had said to my husband and I about the size of our family. As soon as I forgave them and let them be who they are I have seen how much I love them and what great people they are. I love how you don't blame your parents and realize they were doing the best that they knew how to.
That is how I feel as a mother today I can raise my kids to the best of my ability and then trust that God will pierce into their lives and they will follow him.

BittersweetPunkin said...

A lovely post Tanya...and the music on your blog is fitting as well...very nice.
Thanks for being so sweet on your last visit to my place..sorry I'm late getting here!!