"Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness."
Hello, welcome to my homeschool blog. There is a lot of information in the margins. I have looked at one or more of the products or did some time on the sites. There is alot of information and sites to set up an awesome homeschool for your children. So, grab a cup of tea and make yourself comfortable. I hope you find what you need. God bless you from the Ross Family.

Friday, February 22, 2008

What a smile can do.

This morning after I dropped Jeff off to work. I went to the store. And for some reason, when I shop, I get into some kind of zone. I am not paying attention to my surrounding. So, here I am at the store in a zone and I must of been smiling. Because, I would pass someone and they would smile back or bello a "good morning." Well, I thougth that this was a little strange, but I went with it. So now I sit in front of my computer, thinking. If you walk into a store with a frown will you get the same response? I do not think so, Smiling brings something out of people, it is contagious. So, why are alot of people not smiling? I think this is something that we need to evalutate. We need to smile more, say hello to people and start to make some divine appointments. To be availble for God to be able to use us. Funny, I blogged about a smile, it is a small thing that becomes a big thing. So, put on your smiles today. Love ya all and I hope you have a wonderful Friday.

Girly Comments & Graphics


Susan said...

Thanks that was a fun post. I will remember to put a smile on my face.

Heather said...

I LOVE this blog on smiling. You are absolutely right! People respond to YOUR mood.....and we tend to respond to others' moods. Thanks for the reminder! I will try to make sure I am smiling today:)

Love you!

BittersweetPunkin said...

Smiling is contagious!! How can you NOT smile at someone who is smiling at you? LOL
Have a great weekend Tanya!

Nana C said...

Somewhere, sometime, I had the number of muscles it takes to smile and frown, I do believe it takes less to smile, and more to frown. Go figure!!!! I think our Father God is smiling down on you now Tanya, how fun we can be. And with that smile, an opportunity to witness as naturally as our smile. Have a great evening, Nana C

Anonymous said...

GOd is amazing how HE uses the little things for bigthings! Love this! I am a smiler at people, and I love to watch people too.. darla