Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right." Proverbs 20:11
"Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness."
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Thankful Thursday
Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com
A good friend of mine started this and I just want to tell you something that has made me soooooo thankful today. Last year, I was rushed to the hospital, I couldn't stop bleeding and my blood level was 6, normal is 12. So the hospital admitted me and I went under some testing. The doctors were concerned because they said I had an abnormally large uterus. They gave me a pint of blood and wanted to to concider having this treatment where they put boiling water in my uterus and carterize it. Or have a histerectomy. I could not get myself to do either one. So, the rest of the year I was fine and I let it go. January of this year I started in with the bleeding. I took Iron pill and I refuse to let the same thing happen. And all this time I stood on healing from God. I decieded to get a second opinion. I called another Doctor here is town and today I went to see him. He did all the testing and then gave me a ultrasound and right there on the screen was an inch long tumor. He even told me it was not cancerous. So, I look at the doctor and said, is my uterous healthy? He smiled and said that is the most healthist uterous I have seen in a long time. I was so overjoyed and I knew from that moment God healed me. In fact my uterous is normal sized and is not enlarged by any means. I am healed in the name of Jesus Christ and I am so thankful for His word and The women He brought into my life. So, the next step is surgury on March 14th, but I am believeing that when I go in for surgury prep, that they will not find it. Praise the Lord. Today is thankful Thursday. I am bless, to know a Lord who loves me so much, that He healed me. God bless all you sister and keep believing in Him.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Guys and Gals by Brad Stine
Also, at the top of this page is the music. You will have to turn the music off to listen to the video.
Lori, pay close attention to the first part of this video. It is really good. Brad Stine is really funny. Talk to you all later, Love Tanya
Monday, February 25, 2008
God is my Leader
Ephesians 1:21-23 "Far above all principality, and power and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fulness of hime that filleth all in all."
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Give a Speech?
Girly Comments & Graphics
So, Tomorrow I am giving a speech to the Kiwani's group here in town. I will be representing the Pregnancy Center of South West Iowa. I am really nervous, but I have peace about it. I really believe God is going to utilize the information and He is going to use me. I ask for all of your prayers and I will let you all know how it went after the speech. Pray for me really hard. Love all of you and I know I will do okay.
Friday, February 22, 2008
What a smile can do.
Girly Comments & Graphics
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Friendship Award
This award was given to me by Robin from Bittersweetpunkin. She gave it to all the bloggers on her list. So, I am going to do to the same. If you have trouble getting this award off this site and on to your. Just right click on it and send it to a file on your computer. Then go to your blog and go into layouts to the add an element. Hit the add a picture and it will allow you to browse your computer. Find the award and add it. It is really simple. I am sure there has to be another way, but this is how I do it. Congratulations on all your blogs. I love to read them. God bless you all and have a wonderful day..
This morning I was spending sometime with the Lord. After I was done reading the bible, I picked up my book Captivating. We are now in chapter seven and Stasi is talking about romance. Now, this is where I have a little trouble. When Jeff and I were first married, Jeff romanced me all the time. Flowers, candy, dinners out etc etc. Well, after we were married, it all changed. And I had some resentment issues with it. Now after seventeen years of marriage, I really have not pushed the issue or even cared for that matter. I realize that Jeff loves me and chocolates and flowers makes no difference to me. So, I had a little bit of a hesitation about reading this seventh chapter. She states that God adores us and that He is our bridegroom. Bridegroom, meaning lover or fiance. And that He will give us little gifts of Him to prove that He is romancing us. Like His creation, He shows us these all the time. Just yesterday I was at the center, and as I was getting out of my car, I seen a hawk circling over the middle school. I love the birds and the way that they glide in the wind. He wants to adore us, to love us and yes, He wants to Romance us. When I seen this scripture in John, I about flew out of my seat.
"He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him" John 14:21
I am really encouraged by this scripture, He will manifest Himself to me. And He loves me, because I heed His commandments and because He created me. This is amazing to me. And really, I did love the Lord like the song, "Jesus love me this I know, for the bible tells me so." Yes, there is good word in that song, but there is a time where your love needs to become more mature. I want to be romanced by God, not that Jeff is not important to me, because he is. But, God is the one who created me, and I believe that God is the first start to really knowing what true love is. I look to God and fall in love and love will surround my life. I choose to love God and I am ready to be more romanced. I love you Lord. My heart is changing when it comes to the word "romance", it means so many other things. Look into it, do not be afraid of it. God wants you and you know you want God. Ask Him this question "Jesus, how are you romancing me now?"
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I am Back.....
Well, I am back. I took some days off to be with the family. Melanie and I had a really great time at the Nursing Home. And then we took Luke and Melanie to a rollerskating party. We gave Melanie a choice weather to go rollerskating or do someting else. And she wanted to go, so we took her. When Jeff put on her rollerskates and then tried to stand her up, she went hysterical. She started crying and screaming at Jeff and I. We convinced her to rollerskate to one side of the rink. Jeff and I had to both help her. When we got there she would not move and cried for about fifteen minutes. Jeff and I sat there and waited. What amazed me, was I have not meet alot of these people, because they were from another Homeschool group. But, all these girls, kept coming up to Melanie and prompting her to skate. I was so impressed. Of course there were her other friends, who also prompted her. But, I sat there and I prayed. Lord, what do I do? Do I make her skate or give in and let her have her shoes. I leaned down to Melanie and I said, God will never leave you nor forsake you. Yes, you will fall down, But God will pick you up. And with that word, Melanie got up and we helped her for alittle while and then she was off. Jeff and I did not see her for the rest of the time there. Yes, He will never leave you nor forsake you. I know that in my brain, sometimes reaching my heart is alittle different. This is what I was going through Saturday night, I felt abandend by God, why would you put me throught this? Why am I facing this? When I got home Saturday night from Jeff's Parents house, a dear friend called and left this message on my machine, "Tanya, I am to call to tell you from the Lord, that He has not left you, and He love you so much. He is right by your side." As I listened to my friend tell me this, I broke down and bawled. I had felt like He had left me, but He was right by my side and He still is. Yes, I am going to fall sometimes, But He will pick me up and dust me off and hug me, and love me with all of His heart. So, again, I am so blessed with sisters who heed the call of the Lord. I needed that phone call more then I even knew I did. God, knows best, this is why He sents us sisters. God bless you all, and I love you so much, more then you will ever know.
Friday, February 15, 2008
It is Friday!
I am here to tell you, that I am glad today is Friday. It has been a really interesting week. Today, Melanie and I are going to the Nursing Home with some other Homeschoolers to share what we have learned. And then tonight we are going rollerskating with some Homeschoolers. It is going to be a very busy Friday. But, I am glad that we are getting out and about and meeting some new people. I hope that all of you have a wonderful Friday and weekend. To all of you in blog land, keep up with the great blogs.
Girly Comments & Graphics
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I am in Christ!
Girly Comments & Graphics
Have a great day full of love and kindness
I got up this morning and took Jeff to work. On my way back into town I was praying to the Lord. During my time with the Father, I realized that Jesus gave us the ultimate Valentine's gift. He could of gave us love, peace, joy etc. But He gave His life for us, the ultimate gift. I do not think anything will amount to what He did for me. Oh, I am grateful for the gifts, but in my mind I will be praising God for the ultimate gift. I thought I would share that little revelation. But, I would like to share with you some things that I have held on to and they really hit my heart. They are like reminders of who I am in Christ. If you have ever read the book, "Bondage Breaker", these are in there. So, here are some to ponder on today. I love all of you and I hope you are showered with love today.
The I Am's in Christ:
I am God's child
John 1:12
I am Jesus' chosen friend
John 15:5
I have been bought with a price. I belong to God
1 Cor 6:19,20
I am a member of Christ's body, part of His Family.
1 Cor 12:27
I am a saint, a holy one
Eph 1:1
I have been adopted as God's child
Eph 1:5
I have direct access to God through the Holy Spirit
Eph 2:18
I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins.
Col 1:14
I am complete in Christ
Col 2:10
These are freedoms you have with Christ:
I am free forever from condemnation
Romans 8:1,2
I am assured that all things work together for good. Romans 8:28
I am free from any condemning charges against me. Romans 8:31-34
I cannot be separated from the Love of God.
Romans 8:35-39
I have been established, anointed and sealed by God
2 Cor 1:21,22
I am confident that hte good work God has begun in me will be perfected. Phil 1:6
I have more, but I do not want to overwhelm all of you. I also would like you to just ponder on the ones here and realize how special you are in Christ.
"I can do all thing through Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
How is your heart today?
I have been reading this book called Captivating. This morning as I sat in front of it working on the workbook, it came to my attention that my heart is full of stuff. Not just happy stuff either, stuff that I have been holding on to for years. As a little girl you want so much for your father and mother to protect you and guide you towards your adult years. I am sure that my parents loved me, but they were so consumed with the world and a life lived on this earth to really notice that they had kids. And of course, now that I am an adult, I have to remember that maybe my parents came from broken homes and they were raising us the only way they knew how. And I do not harbor resentment towards my parents, God has helped me forgive my parents and fall in love with who they are. I just had other things that I did not let go, it is like getting your favorite toy and you sleep with it and take it every where you go. It is the same with the heart full of stuff, if you do not let God in and let it go, you will carry it with you every where you go. It will brick up and cause you to have issues with God, and even not want to except Him. The biggest stuff that I realized that I was holding on to was, God pursued me when I was in High School. I would not let Him get his hands on me, I did not want to change my life and become "a Jesus Freak." But for some reason, I realized that this was remorse for my heart and I carried it. I do not want to look at this and then become full of guilt or shame, I want to let it go and realize I am a Jesus Freak now. I am encouraged by the way the author of this book took us to Isaiah 61, you have to read it. But this is what she translated it to be.
"God has sent me on a mission.
I have some great news for you.
God has sent me to restore and release something.
And that something is you.
I am here to give you back y our heart and set you free.
I am furious at the Enemy who did this to you, and I will fight against him.
Let me comfort you.
For, dear one, I will bestow beauty upon you.
Where you have known only devastation.
Joy, in the places of your deep sorrow,
And I will robe your heart in thankful praise
in exchange for your resignation and despair."
Sisters, God will fight for us. All we have to do is go to Him and ask Him to do this. Do not be afraid for change, the change is for the good and not the bad. It will free you to do the work God has for you. So, go to Him and lift up your heart. If you do not know what things are on your heart to get rid of, pray about it. God will show you. Love all of you and have a great day, because I am.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Every breath you take
Girly Comments & Graphics
Today felt like Monday. I tried to spend time working on Science with the kids and I was really excitted to start this new program. But for some reason, there was so much distractions. I left for the pregnancy center a little frustrated. When I got to the center it seemed alittle busy for me. But, when I came home and I read all the blogs that I so adore, I realized something. Well actually a couple of things, one is that God has each one of us going into different directions. Because of this, we enhance each other. I see view points that are encouraging or I leave thinking about. It helps me to realize that each thought is like a breath. With out all the inhale or exhale we would die, but when all these ideas come together you have a living breathing idea of what God has in store for our life. It is like life itself, a life lived without Jesus is death, A life with Jesus is life. Jesus is our only hope for survival to live in this fallen world. I love all the ways you all share your heart, it gives me hope, guidance, life. If you ever wonder if your blogs touch someone, I will tell you that they do. The scriptures that you share, the events, the heart, it is every breath that you take, it is your lives. Lives shared with others who seek and want closeness with a savior who gave His life for ours. How awesome. Keep up the good work, you all are doing the will of God, sharing your hearts. love all of you forever, from Tanya
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Our duty as Christians
I look at this verse and sometimes, I get alittle fearful about sharing my faith with people who are lost. I guess, I am reminded about Colombus, all the navigators stopped at certain points of the ocean, for fear of falling off the edge of the earth. Colombus sailed right through and proved that the earth is round. So, I asked you are you proving that their is a savior? We have a gift, that the lost do not have. We are going to heaven, we have eternal life. It is our job as christians to seek out the lost. I sat listening to the minister this morning and I felt a little sad. I have not gotten myself with women who are seperated from God. I love women who love the Lord, I think I get to comfortable here. I am holding on to a key that can save someone and I am not sharing it with them. It is time for me to come out of my comfort zone and I need to be in prayer. There is a new word I have seen on the net, "p.u.s.h"- "pray until something happens." I believe it is time for me to do just that. How can I further your kingdom Lord, who do you need me to be available too? I have to be honest, I have brought people to the Lord, but in the last couple of years, I have gotten laxed in this area. My heart was set on fire this morning and I do not want to be selfish. I want to share and I need to reach out more. I was told to do this by the Lord, I intent to see it through.
Dearest Lord Jesus, I come to you in prayer right now. Please show me people who need to come to you. Use me as an instrument and help me to listen to the words that you fill my heart to share. Place pride and rebellion away from me, and fill me with humbleness and love. Jesus, I never want to be comfortable, the moment that I slip in that mode, stop me and show me your will. I stand on your word and I look to you for all my directions. Let your word be planted in my heart, mind and soul and cultivate change in me and harvest it up to use for the lost. I love you with all my heart, soul and mind. I am ready. Amen
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Women of Faith
So a couple of months ago, my friend Heather @standing at the crossroads, asked me to consider going to Women of Faith. Now, I have not been to women of faith for sometime. I can not even tell you when. So, I told her I would pray about it and then I would let her know. Well, I prayed about it and then I forgot about it. So, yesterday I get a call from another friend, who just moved to Texas and she told me that she was going to women of faith. I asked her if she had been planning this for a long time and she said no. She just felt this pull about a week ago. So, I started thinking about this, and the weird part is Jeff is off the weekend that the confrence is in town and I can get a ticket. So, I am going to women of faith. I am not sure what God wants to tell me, but I am sure that he is going to talk to me about something. Oh do not get me wrong, God talks to me all the time through His word. But there is something awesome about when I go to women of faith. He uses those women to touch me in an awesome way. I am telling you, you may not even know these women, but our hearts are connected. If you ever get a chance to go to women of faith, do it. It will change your heart and you will walk out of the confrence different then you walked in. If you would like to read about my friend from Texas, her name is Lori and I have her listed with my blog sisters. Love ya all, and have a great weekend.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Thursday, February 07, 2008
This morning a really blessed friend, Susan at joyful mom 6 gave me this award. Sometimes I sit in front of this computer and type out something and think, will people get this, will this help anyone? And then I come back to the blog and see the comments and realize I am not the only one who felt that way. It warms my heart and then it gives me hope that we are marching in the same army, the army of the Lord's. So, with this I would like to pass this on to other wise bloggers who have touched my heart. Robin at Bittersweetpunkin, Kathi at feathering my nest, and Darla at overcomer. I have enjoyed reading your blogs and they have touched my heart. And to those that Susan sent the award to, Heather, Nana C and Allison, I have really love reading your blogs also. It is so awesome that as women we may never meet, but our hearts are always connected, Thanks Susan for the award, and I love ya.
This is really Good
Great Movie!
You have to watch this movie. Jeff and I rented it from Netflix and it really made me think. It is about this women who is a lawyer and she is invited to have dinner with Jesus. It is a great tool for those people in your life who have some really hard questions that you can not answer for them. It made me really thank the Lord for what he did for me and I seeked forgiveness and renewel with Jesus through this movie. You have to watch it, it is amazing. God bless all of you and have a great day.
This is a small clip of the movie. I hope that you enjoy this.
Make sure that you turn off the music to view this.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
I want to share with you about my faith. I remember as a teenager I put alot of faith in friends, money, situations. I grew up in a home where we went to church every Sunday. The people in our church was like family to me. But, when I graduated High School, I rushed off to the Army. I wanted to escape my parents. When I was in the Army, I faith only in myself. I believed at the time the only reason I made it through the Army was my anger. When I left the Army my faith was my husband and new child, and for many years this is what I believed. I was misreable, I even thought of leaving and running to another adventure that may of brought me more faith and refreshment. At the age of 27 I walked into this church and my whole view point of faith changed. I excepted the only faith we need and that is Jesus Christ. Through this adventure of faith, God gave me wonderful councelors to heal wounds, he changed my heart from a career orinted mom to a stay at home mom. He changed us to become homeschool parents. He helped me become close to my dad and stepmom and to forgive my mother. He helped me to fall in love with my son, and stop these power struggles I was doing. He helped me to fall in love with Jeff, and look at him as my husband and not my savior. He gave me wonderful girlfriends in and out of my life, who have shown me alot that God can use me in. And my thinking of God is always and formost special and I know so much about Him and I want to know more. So He can utilize me to further His Kingdom and bring more people to Him. It had to start small, like a mustard seed, and now it is big. Faith is wonderful, it gives me hope to carry on a legacy for my Lord, one that will follow in my children and my children's children. I am so excited for the life God has given me and the events that will keep coming.
Father, thank you for never giving up on me. And thank you for all the people who have graced my life and made me stronger. Thank for your word and the growth that I have had through it. I love you and I will willing follow you and be your servent. Amen.
Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Your Tagged!
I went on a friends blog this morning and she had gotten tagged. So instead of tagging anyone she just stated that if you read this entry you are tagged. So here it goes.
1. Pick up the book closest to you. (at least 123 pages)
2. Turn to page 123.
3. Go down 5 sentences.
4. Write out the next 3.
5 Tag 5 people.
"But we've often wondered what the "one thing" was that was needed. Some of you might have heard teaching that it was one simple casserole dish, that Martha was busy making a complicated mealwhen only one simple food was needed. No. That is not what Jesus is saying."
So if you are reading this, concider yourself tagged!