"Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness."
Hello, welcome to my homeschool blog. There is a lot of information in the margins. I have looked at one or more of the products or did some time on the sites. There is alot of information and sites to set up an awesome homeschool for your children. So, grab a cup of tea and make yourself comfortable. I hope you find what you need. God bless you from the Ross Family.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Community Projects

My daughter and some of her friends, just put on a small play for some of the residents at a local nursing home. Before I homeschooled or even had made the decision, I worked outside the home. I worked at that same nursing home. Every once in a while, I had taken my son and daughter in to meet the residents. They were so scared and they wouldn't even talk to them. This year, I wanted my daughter to reach out and look at others more than herself. So, a group of us, each month, take our daughters in and they share with the residents, what they do in homeschool. My daughter has really come out of her shell. She pushes residents in their wheel chairs and she sits down with them and just talks to them. I love watching her. I believe that has given her alot of confedence.

Our son and daughter also help me on Tuesday nights. I am a volunteer at the local pregnancy center. They come in and babysit the children of my clients, while I have a parenting class. The children just look up to my kids. One of the little boys would even copy everything my son did. I am not sure if that is a good thing? My children get so much out of reaching out to others. Of course, my kids are not perfect and they need alot more teaching on respect and thinking of others. But, this gives them the chance to look at the community and think of others. I really encourage community work. If you have little ones, of course wait. I think at five or six, you could be introducing them to your area. About eight or nine, I would get them involved. It just blesses them and you see a side of your children that is encouraging.

I started volunteering when I was seventeen, I chose a nursing home. I was really scared at first, but I loved it. When I got a full time job, I had to quit, it became to much. But, I would not change it for anything. I hope that all of you are having a wonderful summer, and I will keep posting here and there. God bless all of you from,

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