"Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness."
Hello, welcome to my homeschool blog. There is a lot of information in the margins. I have looked at one or more of the products or did some time on the sites. There is alot of information and sites to set up an awesome homeschool for your children. So, grab a cup of tea and make yourself comfortable. I hope you find what you need. God bless you from the Ross Family.

Friday, October 09, 2009

I have not posted in a while because I have been in the hospital. My appendix decided that it wanted to evict. So, during this time, I taught the kids about the appendix. And for some reason, I have been able to do school with the kids. But seriously, I have actually felt good, in fact even better than I did before the surgery. So, it was time for it to come out. I hope all is well in Home school land. If you need any help, please email me or leave a comment. And of course, if you have any sites you would like to share let me know. God bless you.

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